Wednesday, May 29, 2013

No More Milk

Lately I've noticed that my body isn't producing as much milk as it used to. One reason is the lack of demand. In breastfeeding, the higher the demand, the higher the supply. And as your child grows, his nutritional needs diversify. His source of energy isn't found only in milk. It has to be supplemented with real food. His demand and supply of milk declined.

As I was putting my son to sleep (I breastfeed him till he go asleep), he couldn't get his sleeping position right. He kept on crying after a few suckles and kept on signaling to change breasts. We did that a lot of times and he got so frustrated because I felt he wasn't getting any milk.

photo courtesy
I know this is going to happen. I know one day he will not need anything from me directly and I'm getting really anxious about it. I enjoy breastfeeding him, this serves as our precious bonding moment. I'm afraid to lose that connection, that need for each other. 

On the other hand I feel quite happy because we're about to have another milestone. New routines, changes, transition and a clear sign that my little man's growing up.

*Oh, he tried a few sips of milk! Before, you couldn't get any white drink to his mouth. Nice start.

*I don't want to give him nipple bottles as he learned to drink directly from his cup. But how will I put him to sleep? Should I still breastfeed him? Or only at night?  

Share me your thoughts,
Mommy K

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hello, there!

Forgive me for not introducing myself early on.

Just call me K. I am a single mother to my precious little Packo. He's a year and a half years old and he's the center of my universe. I felt exactly what Jacob felt in meeting Reneesme for the first time. I felt my surroundings dissolved when I looked into his eyes and felt like it was just the two of us in that recovery room we were in. 

Did I tell you he's my world? My world revolves around him. We do a lot of things together. We sing his fave What Are You Feeling? song, we watch his favorite Dora, Bubble Guppies and Ni Hao Kai-Lan shows, and we read Goodnight Moon together- well mostly tear the pages apart. I feel it when he's hungry, anxious, frustrated though sometimes I don't know exactly how to pacify him when he throws his tantrums.

I just love this your-so-cute-I-want-to-squish-you-and-cover-you-with-kisses baby. I love him.

That's Packo @ 7 mos trying his new baby pool :)

Since we've been together 24/7 for 19 months, I barely noticed how much he's grown. I can't believe my baby's growing up too fast! Only through pictures that I noticed the changes and I said to myself I needed an avenue to gather and look back on my thoughts, musings, and pictures of Packo. Hence, this blog was created. 

Join me on this roller-coaster-like ride adventure of Raising Packo.

Now what?

As a freelancer, you can't expect to regularly have an assignment or a project from your client even if you have a contract for a period of time. That's why some freelancers opt to apply and get as much projects as they could so they will have something to do in their free time. But for me, it's okay. I needed time to bond with my son- even if we're together 24/7- because he'd been jealous of this laptop ever since I started working. Plus, I gotta start packing because we're going to jet off to Singapore to visit and babysit my pretty niece.

Friday, May 24, 2013

A day of firsts

This is my first post on my first blog and us Pinoys just love to celebrate firsts. 

And the most special first I'm going to celebrate is my first virtual paycheck.

I received an email an hour ago, and guess what, it's the confirmation that my first withdrawal with oDesk was a success! Yay!

I know the amount is small but it's better than none at all!

I first learned of oDesk as an alternative work platform from watching Bandila on May 1. I signed up right away, built up my profile and took my oDesk Readiness Test and passed. All that happened in just an hour.

I took more tests the morning after and applied for a job in line of my interest.  The next day, I got a message on my profile from my yet-client asking if was available to talk. He's based in Florida so we have a 12-hour time difference. It was just 9am PST, ergo 9pm his time. I was so excited that I called him up right away. After an hour long conversation, I got hired. 

Thank you, Lord.