Wednesday, May 29, 2013

No More Milk

Lately I've noticed that my body isn't producing as much milk as it used to. One reason is the lack of demand. In breastfeeding, the higher the demand, the higher the supply. And as your child grows, his nutritional needs diversify. His source of energy isn't found only in milk. It has to be supplemented with real food. His demand and supply of milk declined.

As I was putting my son to sleep (I breastfeed him till he go asleep), he couldn't get his sleeping position right. He kept on crying after a few suckles and kept on signaling to change breasts. We did that a lot of times and he got so frustrated because I felt he wasn't getting any milk.

photo courtesy
I know this is going to happen. I know one day he will not need anything from me directly and I'm getting really anxious about it. I enjoy breastfeeding him, this serves as our precious bonding moment. I'm afraid to lose that connection, that need for each other. 

On the other hand I feel quite happy because we're about to have another milestone. New routines, changes, transition and a clear sign that my little man's growing up.

*Oh, he tried a few sips of milk! Before, you couldn't get any white drink to his mouth. Nice start.

*I don't want to give him nipple bottles as he learned to drink directly from his cup. But how will I put him to sleep? Should I still breastfeed him? Or only at night?  

Share me your thoughts,
Mommy K


  1. My daughter just turned 7 months and I've read that she should eat more iron-fortified meals. I'm afraid I might be too late.

    Did you have a hard time weaning Packo?

  2. Yes. Packo is a picky eater, he only ate mango and carrots when he was your baby's age.

    Try putting malunggay or liver to her porridge. And belated happy 7th Geo!!
