However I know it's time for my son to fall asleep on his own. I need to take action, train him while it's still early and before a bad habit to form. Why bad?
- He's turning 2 in a month.
- Most children should sleep on their own at his age.
- He is biologically, emotionally, psychologically ready to fall asleep on his own.
- I am only teaching him to be dependent on me and me alone.
- It will have a psychological impact if he dependent too much on his primary caregiver
I noticed that being a comfort nurser not only manifested in sleep but also in most things like everything! Which is not a good thing. I don't want to be a Momma's Boy! Plus, I gotta work!
I took action yesterday but I was only hopeful. Here are the things I did:
- Since I don't want to eliminate breastfeeding in our routine, I only kept it in a minimum. How long and how frequent? He fed 4 times for 10 minutes max yesterday, night nursing was already included!
- I talked and counseled him on what we're doing, what it is for and why.
- I eliminated his afternoon nap.
- When he signaled he wanted to nurse, I gave him food. This worked each time.
- I let him play all day.
What else can you do?
- Let other people from your household put your child to bed.
- Make sure your child's primary needs (he's full, has a clean diaper, etc) before putting him to bed.
- Read your child bedtime stories. Sing lullabies.
- Create a bedtime routine.
- Have a substitute Mama in the form of a pillow or teddy bear who will give cuddles and kisses. (You may include them in your stories.)
- Be firm or consistent. But never be angry with a child who only wants to be with you when he sleeps.
What happened?
- I noticed he understood what we're doing and what he's supposed to be doing.
- I let him nurse but only for 10 minutes.
- He cried each time I stopped him from nursing.
- I know he's trying to sleep on his own.
- He kept waking up. He woke up twice last night.
- I finally nursed him, that was his 4th time, and finally he slept soundly.
He's now having his afternoon nap. Since he didn't have enough sleep last night, I know he's tired. And I took advantage of it.
You know what I did? I hid from him. He kept looking for me until he got soo tired he finally slept on his own!
Yay! Well, good luck to me later.